Hello there!
This poor blog is sadly neglected, but not forgotten. As I try to acclimate to running Winnie & Walter along with my friend and business partner, Julie Mogford, I have to prioritize. This means some things must slide including verdigris hall. My energies are going to Winnie & Walter and making sure w&w shines and that is a full time job on top of my other full time job. lol
I will try to figure out how to squeeze some time in for my personal blog!
I appreciate every single one who has spent even a minute at this blog and giving it your previous attention! If you are interested, you can see some of my attempts at creating on the w&w blog. :-)
Should you have any questions, suggestions and/or comments, you can email me at shay (at) winniewalter (dot) com.
Big hugs to you all!
An eclectic, eccentric (often messy) house pieced together from paper, rubber stamps, a smidgen of glitter, grandiose dreams and a whole lot of glue.